Our 2024-25 Season—save the dates!
For individual tickets, click on concert titles below
*Choral Connections,” our collaborative concert with six area high schools, is an inspiring event that will take place on Friday, February 21 and Saturday, February 22, 2025. (We apologize for an error of dates in the subscription brochure.) Tickets are currently available only with subscriptions. Single tickets are on sale in schools this fall, and to the public on January 15, 2025.
Choral Connections
Friday, February 21, 2025; 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, February 22, 2025; 7:30 p.m.
Baker Memorial United Methodist Church, St. Charles
Witness the human connections music supports in this powerful concert. St. Charles Singers will collaborate with Batavia High School, Fremd High School, St. Charles North High School, Kaneland High School, Glenbard North High School and West Aurora High School in a joyful choral celebration. Each choir will sing a set on their own; then all will come together and sing a set of music together.
The Passing of the Year
Saturday, April 12, 2025; 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, April 13, 2025; 3 p.m.
Baker Memorial United Methodist Church, St. Charles
We are excited to conclude our 40th anniversary season with a world premiere of a new composition by Sir John Rutter! Dancing Tree, a suite for chorus and harp, was commissioned for the St. Charles Singers and will be performed at “The Passing of the Year.”
The additional selections for the concert celebrate choral music that displays inventiveness, intensity, love and creativity—characteristics we hope will propel us through the next 40 years. Works will include Libera nos, salva nos, by John Sheppard; Psalm 121 from Requiem, by Herbert Howells; Cello Songs, by Jake Runestad; A Hymn of the Nativity, by Kenneth Leighton; Cantique de Jean Racine, by Gabriel Fauré; Serenity, by Ola Gjeilo; and The Passing of the Year, by Jonathan Dove.
St. Charles Singers strives to make programs and activities accessible to disabled persons, including persons who are deaf, hard of hearing, or blind, or who have other sensory impairments. Access features include:
- Off-street parking designated specifically for disabled persons.
- Curb cuts and ramps between parking areas and buildings.
- Level access into first floor level with elevator access to all other floors.
- Fully accessible offices, meeting rooms, bathrooms and public waiting areas.
- When possible and upon request: Assistive and communication aids provided to persons upon request and at no additional charge may include:
- Qualified sign language interpreters for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing.
- Large-print materials for the visually impaired.
- Assistive devices for persons with impaired manual skills.
If you require any of the aids listed above, please contact St. Charles Singers at 630.513.5272