Phone: 630-513-5272
311 N 2nd Street
Suite 201-B
St. Charles, IL 60174
Bryan has sung with the St. Charles singers since the 2000 concert season, and had a brief three year hiatus when his younger daughters Kailey and Emma were born. He is a native of St. Charles, Illinois. Bryan’s interest in music was directly influenced by Mrs. Marilyn Berg and Mr. John Stoffel both elementary and high school instructors of his.
Bryan graduated from Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois with a degree in Music Education with a vocal emphasis. His Masters in Educational Leadership is from Aurora University. Currently he is the Kaneland, Illinois High School choral director.
Bryan is particularly fond of the music of Brahms, Faure, Mozart and Boyd, just to name a few of the greats. He is particularly interested in choral music from the renaissance until today.
Bryan is married to Mary Kunstman. For fun he enjoys hockey, football, golf and anything having to do with being outdoors.
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